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  • Notice : Undefined index: field dans date_entity_metadata_struct_getter() (ligne 665 dans /web/htdocs/
  • Notice : Undefined index: field dans date_entity_metadata_struct_getter() (ligne 665 dans /web/htdocs/

Rita Kernn-Larsen. Surrealist Paintings

25/02/2017 - 10:00 to 26/06/2017 - 17:00

Rita Kernn-Larsen (1904–1998) was a prominent Danish Surrealist artist, whom Peggy Guggenheim met in Paris in 1937 and invited to exhibit at her Guggenheim Jeune gallery in London the following year. This small, focused show will be the first important presentation of Kernn-Larsen’s Surrealist period outside her native Scandinavia, after the 1938 one-woman exhibition. The show will feature seven paintings, more than half exhibited at Guggenheim Jeune, including her Self-Portrait (Know Thyself) (1937), acquired by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in 2013.