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Antonio Vivaldi, Orlando Furioso

Antonio Vivaldi, Orlando Furioso
Repeats every day 1 times. Also includes mar avr 17 2018, jeu avr 19 2018.
13/04/2018 - 19:00

Venice: Malibran Theater
Conductor: Diego Fasolis
Director: Fabio Ceresa
Sets: Massimo Checchetto
Costumes: Giuseppe Palella

running time: 2h55'
first part: 1h0'
interval: 0h20'
second part: 1h35'


Orlando ⎮ Sonia Prina
Angelica ⎮ Francesca Aspromonte
Alcina ⎮ Lucia Cirillo
Ruggiero ⎮ Carlo Vistoli 
Astolfo ⎮ Riccardo Novaro
Bradamante ⎮ Loriana Castellano
Medoro ⎮ Raffaele Pe  

Conductor ⎮ Diego Fasolis
Director ⎮ Fabio Ceresa
Setes ⎮ Massimo Checchetto
Costumes ⎮ Giuseppe Palella
Light designer ⎮ Fabio Barettin
Coreografo e assistente alla regia ⎮ Riccardo Oliver

La Fenice Choir & Orchestra
Chorus Master ⎮ Ulisse Trabacchin
continuo ⎮ Diego Fasolis/Andrea Marchiol
cello ⎮ Alessandro Zanardi
archlute ⎮ Gianluca Geremia

La Fenice Opera House new production
with Festival della Valle d’Itria di Martina Franca and RSI 
radio and television programs in Italian for Switzerland) 

English surtitles 

The marvellous “golden octaves” by Ludovico Ariosto and his Orlando furioso undoubtedly hold an irresistible attraction for many composers (not only Vivaldi, but also Händel, Mayr, Lully), but perhaps it is the pages by the ‘red priest’ (debuted at Teatro Sant’Angelo in Venice in 1727) that best interpret the subject’s thrill and rhythmic tension, offering the perfect combination of the metric form of Furioso with the prosody of the score. Indeed, an invisible power seems to be moving the forests that the Ariostian warhorses are racing through, in the same manner that the lavish orchestration of the score does not seem to have a moment’s rest.